It's Business

It's so hard to be a free lancer. There's a lot of people or rather clients that doesn't care about the artist that much. It is somewhat annoying to have clients that are close to you or close to any of your relatives and most especially to your parents. They keep forgetting about the 'payment'. Ah yes, money. It's all about the money. How could one not feel bad about it if they are running away like that? Using you and then leaving you like nothing happened.

Why one must be strict on these? If they were kind enough to go by the agreement then there would be no problem, right? I wouldn't be forced to put their web site down and making them panic and call me up almost everyday. Now, I feel bad too not being able to muster the courage to talk decently to them even if I've sent them tons of emails regarding the payment.

Thank god for SMS, emails, and bank deposits. I don't have to go to their office and make a straight face.


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