Another Game to be addicted with

Yes this is what my life is used to... playing MMO's. I know it's a bad thing and I know I should be focusing to some things that I really should. I turned down the chance of getting a much higher pay from another office and still work with a crappy amount of salary in which case (is ok with me) but I can't save up for anything. Let alone maintain the house's bills eversince the tax had gone up again.

RF Online. It's not just like any other game that I got a hold on to. Although, they said WoW is better. I believe that they are right, it's just that I don't want to play WoW since I don't have the money nor the credit card to have an account and a liscence to have it installed in my computer. I need that money that Don owes me... although, he's nowhere to be seen. (I don't know his contact number anymore since I lost my cellphone back then. Anyway... forget that. Everyone said he's a coward and a worthless piece of an ass. ) So, RF. Rising Force online. The first RF that is english translated. So almost everyone from other countries are trying to get a lock on an account.

Three races - Accretia, Bellato, Cora. I would have chosen a Cora, but I went to a different server where "Role Playing" is enforced. weee. Yes..that's one of the biggest thing that caught my attention. People who in the game that knows how to role play and the fact the only a few people play the game since it has high PC specs requirements. I am a bellato now and have new friends now. So this is what I've been doing lately. heh.


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