Acting too casual

Pride before me... and this may take as my down fall in some ways. After what I heard from my friend's conversation with Alvin that happened last December 30, I don't think I'll be trusting him any time soon. My friend asked what's going on with him and why he hasn't said a word to me. He gave a lot of excuses. Too many excuses that made me so mad.

Can I ask all of you something? If your relationship was on the brink of a break-up will you do nothing? Will you say nothing? That's what he did. He said nothing to me, instead he talked to our friend. Who matters most? I guess he cares more of the friendship with our friend than my friendship towards him. Baby, do you understand me now? To see that I'm mad. I'm sorry... but you waited too long. Now it's gone.

As one said to me, “the biggest risk in life is not taking one.”

Now that everything is out in the open. Would you blame me if it hurt me and how I hate him so much? I guess you know what extremes that I have gone through to show that I do not care. Is it really pride that drives me this far?


skysenshi said…
Ano ba yun... parang si Patteh pala tong approach ni Alvin. Pag may relationship problem, kungdi kay Spike sasabihin, sa ibang babae. Sayang. I had high hopes for you, too, but I can't blame you if you ended up dating another man. =P


Be strong. ^_^
Dee said…
i'm not going into a relationship anytime soon, after what alvin did. Thanks bea.

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