It's not my World

I still couldn't let go of the fact that I can never please my father when I'm in front of him. How could I believe that my cousin is saying the truth that my father is proud of me when I'm not around?

Ever since I could remember, all of the efforts I did to please him on everything that I can do. I wasn't good enough. My plates in my classes, whenever he sees it he would say to me, "if I were your teacher, you'd fail."

I didn't stop there; I tried everything all that I have. I became active in the student council; I helped my colleagues start an art group in college; I became a college scholar. But not even once did he give me a pat on the back.

Last Friday night when he picked me up from work, he started telling me about the digital art contest that I didn't entered. He was bickering that some kid won the contest. He was saying that I should have tried to enter. I could have won, he said. I didn't have the passion to join in the first place because I've already made up my mind that I'm no longer going to try to please him.

I tried to believe in things…I used to believe in myself that I could do great things. My father wants me to challenge everything... put myself to the test. And I tried for a couple of times, pushing myself to its limits; even tried to challenge him; he wished me to compete for my worth in this world. Make a name for myself. How can I, when I tried so hard to make him see? So what if I've been interviewed in digitalTour a few years back because of my website that's now dead after three years keeping the name – thepoet; my name was mentioned in MTV, printed in the Culture Crash Comics and some other published books; I showed him those and then what did he told me – "Not my world."

"Time and time again, I lose everything. Its funny but it never changes. Love is gentle, but love is unkind." – Stretch Princess


Unknown said…
Almost all parents fall into the trap of projecting themselves onto their children, yet for all of the lack of praise do not think that your parents are not proud of you. I found out, to my true surprise, that my parents were proud of me eventhough I considered myself a failure and didn't get words or praise from them.

It doesn't matter if it's in their world or not... what matters is that it's in YOUR world.
Dee said…
It just sometimes pisses me off when I'm telling all the things I'm proud of and then he cuts the conversation off like he doesn't want to listen.

I didn't go to the traditional artist world coz I know I can't match up with my dad and that's not my passion.

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