Limpid and Irony

Lim·pid \LIM-pid\, adjective.
1. Characterized by clearness or transparency; clear; as, "a limpid stream."
2. Calm; untroubled; serene.
3. Clear in style; easily understandable.

How I wish to have a limpid life; a life as simple as counting 1,2 and 3 but that is not a small wish to have; not so simple to comply. Although, I do not want just a simple life but a life with meaning. That is a problem right there. I cannot have a simple and meaningful life at the same time. A simple life means a happy life. If one wishes to be happy he or she must forget about the past and do not live for the future. As for the meaningful life, one must remember the past and sought out things that will mean something to your life.

Some of you guys already know about my "little" problem with my second brother. Then there's work and recently, I have this skin allergy and I forgot what it's called. A sudden change of the weather... if I was in a cool area and then a sudden hot wind blows over, I'd start to feel a rash coming onto my skin.

What a funny way to add up with my problems here within my little world? My big brother said to me that I should lay off of some food that would also cause it: like chicken skin or fish. But I love chicken and I love fish. This is just so great isn't it?

i·ro·ny \ahy-ruh-nee\ –noun, plural -nies.
1. the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning: the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend.

Do you see the irony in here? just like the other food that I like eating before I had an allergic reaction with it. I can't eat anything with chilly because if I did, my lungs would expand and it's either I'd start coughing for the rest of the day and end up having a fever or worse, I could end up not being able to breathe.

Damn, this weak body of mine. Side note.. yesterday, I met an old boss who became a friend of mine. It turned out that he lives from the other side of my street since two years ago, how ironic that he and I haven't seen each other within those times. If I went to work and didn't stay home to wait for my doctor's appointment, I would have never seen Eugene for another year or so.

Too bad (well not really), I already have a boyfriend who I love so much. Eugene was the one who helped me get through one of the toughest times that I had to endure three years ago and I don't think I thanked him enough for it. He's such a great guy, I feel bad that he couldn't find the right girl for him and knowing that he's a single father/parent. It's finding a needle in a hay-stack to find that person that would fit into your life like a glove.

Nobody is perfect; not even life;


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