2v2 Arena Experience

"So, how about the name Malacai?" Dezdemona looked at Krallis as she took an application for a two versus two arena charter inside the sewers of Dalaran. "Malacai means – My God's Messenger," she thought. Krallis didn't seem to mind he wasn't really seriously thinking of taking the arena too seriously. Dezdemona completed the form and chose a design for their flag then forwarded the paper to Krallis.

Krallis looked at the charter and signed it, "Ok! Let's go." He stretched his shoulder a bit and there was a slight sound of cracking. They handed in the signed charter and immediately got approved. Dezdemona looked around having doubts that they'd win the first battle as she applied to line up their party. This was the time they will go into an arena and in just a moment, they were called up to enter the arena. "Two Night elf unholy death knights against two unknown fighters," Dezdemona muttered, "the fight should be interesting."

Entering the arena, a ten second count down started, both of them casts their bone shield and threw a corpse dust onto the ground to summon a ghoul under their control. In such excitement, careless as always, Dezdemona ran out the moment she saw the gate opened. "There!" Dezdemona noticed the two contenders hiding behind a pillar, "let's take this fight head on!" she called on her pet and ordered the ghoul to stun the enemy by gnawing at them. Krallis followed through and so, the fight has begun.

Dezdemona used 'Death and Decay' the moment she noticed the two enemies were stunned by their ghouls' first attack. "With this spell, hopefully, fear will sip to their hearts," she uttered, "glyph, don't fail me now." A warrior and a death knight are the classes of the enemies.

The two enemies focused on attacking Dezdemona first, they chose the wrong one to attack. It was not Dezdemona who is deadly on dishing out huge damages but Krallis. "A sacrifice must be made in order to win," Dezdemona though and bare a sinister grin. She did not move away from their position as she parried and slashed her way through the enemy. It was good timing that Dezdemona had a few of her tanking gear on. It made little difference on how she takes on damage and it was enough to keep them busy. Krallis attacked from the side of one enemy who is distracted by Dezdemona's attack.

The enemies are weakened but Dezdemona could no longer hold her ground as she screamed in pain, she quickly inflicted diseases upon the two and on her last breath she made a chant and turned into a ghoul. The moment Dezdemona became a ghoul, one of the enemies collapsed and died. Only one left, a fury warrior, but Krallis also had taken damage from the fight. With one swing from the warrior Krallis fell, just like what happened to Dezdemona he became a ghoul. The warrior started to run away as his life is being taken by the diseases. Krallis and Dezdemona looked at the warrior and waited for a second giving him a head start but it was too late for him.
The warrior suddenly collapsed and the fight was over.

"That was fast," Krallis uttered, "if we are to take this Arena seriously, we need changes." Dezdemona chuckled as she would agree to his statement.


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