One Year in World of Warcraft

I didn't realize that I've been playing World of Warcraft for over a year now only when I was looking at the screenshots I took in WoW over the past events. I can still remember back then, I went to the gaming hub where my friends and I usually play when their connection and service was still good.

Jay was the one helping me out where to sign up and told me to look at the wowwiki and read which character I want. Back then, he was telling me to level a druid but I didn't and made a Rogue. Eranelle was then born. A few weeks later of playing in WoW, I got hacked. Hehe. What a great way to remember, eh? It was also the first time that I ever got hacked from any game that I played. My password is always in alphanumeric and most of the time only my fingers knows what they are. Thank goodness that Blizzard was quick enough to solve my problem. That's one reason why I still continue playing WoW, even if I got hacked for the first time. It's their quick service and very helpful GMs.

Moving on...

A few months later, the moment I reached 70, the guild we joined called Mystics decided to move from Azgalor to Dreadmaul. Then came Wrath of the Lich King expansion. My boyfriend and I created death knights and so Eranelle was forgotten for quite sometime now. Later on, I wanted to play a Shaman for the guild's needs.

It seemed that I have lost my enthusiasm in playing my shaman because of some twisted circumstance. Now, I'm leveling a druid. If I knew that I'll be playing a druid, I should have made one in the first place.

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